Digital Design Thinking in Porto

This last May I had the great pleasure of delivering a talk at EDP.

The session was around Design Thinking and creating a culture of innovation and was promoted by the Digital Global Unit from EDP.

The session named Design Thinking Clinic was aimed at internal audience with the goal to inspire new perspectives towards innovation and collaboration.

Great audience with relevant questions and lots of people following online the presentation through the corporate intranet.

Innovation in Low Density Areas

From July 19 to 21, 2017 I had the pleasure of conducting a Design Thinking workshop in Mateus, Vila Real. UTAD was the promoter of this course through the LAB2Business project and the Casa de Mateus Foundation organized and hosted the sessions.

This was a project aimed at promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in the region, as well as strengthening the link between companies, centers of knowledge and research, creative and cultural agents.

I was pleased to work with a multidisciplinary group on a practical dimension of research into the characteristics and needs of a low density region and to design projects and strategies that could provide tools to respond to the risks and opportunities of the companies that carry out their work in the region.

Arrábida Monastery

Convento da Arrábida - Nova Doctoral School Course

Convento da Arrábida - Nova Doctoral School Course

This next July I will be at Arrábida Monastery for the 33rd edition of the Research Skills Development (RSD) course. This course created in partnership with Imperial College London intends to cover key transferable skills needed by early stage PhD researchers.

As a Tutor my role is to frame the experience and help students to reflect on their group dynamics. We work on transferable skills like Communication, Team working, Creativity, Planning and Problem-solving, Interdisciplinary collaboration. receiving feedback on performance (within a team) and get to know researchers from various departments and campuses.

The course has been designed to be challenging, involving and memorable. I’m sure it has been for PhD researchers and also for me!

Design Thinking, Innovation and Knowledge Management

There's no better way to help than to get out and experience nature for yourself.

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Australia Tour 2017

In August 2017 I had the great pleasure of travelling to Sidney, Australia to teach at the University of New South Wales. My hosts were Professor Selena Griffith, Design Thinker and Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Art and Design seconded to Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Business and Professor Karavdic from the UNSW Business School both an experienced practitioner and academic whose expertise spans innovation management, human centred design, customer-centric transformation.

I had also the pleasure of facilitating a Design Thinker workshop at the brand new Sidney School of Entrepreneurship, and to work with a diverse group of bright and participating students.

Thank you Australia for the amazing experience!